R.A.D. - Women's Self-Defense Class
This Women's Self-Defense class will be based on the RAD (Rape Aggression Defense)
curriculum that will consist of simple yet affective self defense moves. There
will also be discussions of risk reduction and awareness each week. It will be
important to attend all four weeks to be bale to learn all the moves and positions.
Please note, there will be some uncomfortable topics and moves discussed. This
is a participate by choice class and if there are any triggering topics, you are
welcome to step out.
RAD - Women's Self-Defense will be a 4 week long course that will be held Wednesdays from 4:45-5:45pm on March 26, April 2, April 9, and April 16. This class will is located in the STH-E Room 101. The cost of the course is $5.00.
To register for the Spring 2025 Women's Self Defense Class, click the link below!
Register Here!