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We have upcoming events impacting our court schedules from February 25th through February 27th.
For information regarding these impacts, please visit our Court Schedule page.

Policies and Procedures

The Student Recreation Center is proud to offer you a wide range of services, equipment and programs for member use. This includes reservation opportunities for all your parties and events. When using our facility, please remember the following rules:

Facility Policies

Program Policies

General Policies

  • The WVU Student Recreation Center is a controlled access facility. No one is permitted beyond the reception area without a valid student ID, Employee ID, Student Recreation Center card or sponsored guest pass.
  • University-sponsored conference attendees and special event groups are permitted to use the WVU Student Recreation Center. Individuals are required to pay an admission fee, and passes must be secured in advance.
  • No one is permitted to use the facility under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Appropriate attire is required at all times. This includes wearing a shirt and non-marking soled shoes. Swimsuits and swim footwear are limited to the Aquatics Area.
  • Bookbags and other personal items are not permitted in any program area of the facility. Day lockers and locker rooms are available for storage of personal items. Center staff cannot guarantee the security of valuables and are not responsible for lost or stolen items. It is therefore recommended that valuable personal items be left at home.
  • Any display of poor conduct, fighting, abusive language or willful destruction of University property may result in loss of facility use privileges, and, if appropriate, further disciplinary or legal action.
  • Individual patrons shall utilize all recreational facilities at their own risk.
  • Animals are prohibited in the facility, unless utilized as a guide or assistant for people with disabilities.
  • The WVU Student Recreation Center is a smoke-free facility. Smoking, tobacco use and vaping in any form are prohibited.
  • No food, drink (except water in a closed container) or chewing gum is permitted beyond the control area of the Student Recreation Center. All food items must be consumed in the lounge area of the free zone.
  • Radios with headphones are permitted in the facility; however, other audio/visual media are prohibited unless authorized by Campus Recreation staff.
  • Signs may not be posted on any wall in the Student Recreation Center. All postings must have prior approval from administration and then may be posted on general use boards.
  • Bicycles, rollerblades and skateboards are prohibited in all indoor facilities.
  • Weapons of any kind are strictly prohibited.
  • If damages occur to the Student Recreation Center equipment or facilities, the responsible party will pay for the cost of the repair.
  • Any individual not following appropriate policies or behaviors will be asked to leave the facility.

Access to Facility

  • West Virginia University ID (Mountaineer Card) or Student Recreation Center ID is required for facility access at all times.
    • Students and WVU employees will use their current activated Mountaineer Card for access.
    • WVU families will use their Student Recreation Center card: all non-WVU faculty/staff and student ID cards can be issued in the Member Services office at the Student Recreation Center.

Age Restrictions

  • An adult must accompany the child (anyone under the age of 16 years) through the customer service entrance and remain with the youth in all areas of the Student Recreation Center facility at all times.
  • Participants must be 13 years of age or older to use the weight and fitness rooms.
  • Adult supervision is required on the climbing wall at all times for children under 13 years of age.
  • Adults must participate with or directly supervise all children under the age of 13 at all times. 
  • Members ages 13 to 15 years of age must have direct supervision of an adult or an active member 16 years of age and older at all times.
  • Campus Recreation staff reserve the right to interpret our regulations to best serve the needs of patrons.

Campus Recreation Guest Pass Policies

Daily Guest Passes are avaliable to purchase at the Front Desk of the Student Recreation Center or Downtown Fitness Center. Guest passes cost $10/pass. All guests must be sponsored by a current Campus Recreation Member or may self-sponsor if they are eligible to purchase a membership.


  • All guests must be sponsored by a current Campus Recreation Member or may self-sponsor if they are eligible to purchase a membership
  • Guest Passes are non-transferable, non-refundable, and valid for one visit only.
  • Guests must provide photo identification at the time of Guest Pass purchase.
  • A Guest Pass is valid for the current day it is purchased.
  • There is a maximum of three (3) guests per member per day.
  • All guests must pay the Guest Pass fee of $10 if they are over the age of 12.
  • Guests must be 18 years of age to sponsor.
  • Campus Recreation Members are responsible for:
  1. Guests' behavior and equipment check-out/return
  2. R emuneration for guests' lost/broken/damaged equipment


Daily Guest Pass (1 Visit) Multi-visit Guest Pass* (Valid for Active Members Only
$10/pass $40 for 5 passes
*The multi-visit guest pass option is valid for purchase by active members only. Passes do not expire. Passes must be used with active member sponsor only. Sponor must be present when using pass.

Coming to Visit? Plan Ahead!

Minimize the time spent creating your guest profile with your sponsor. Visit WVUGo and create a profile before your visit. Guest/Sponsor waiver and guest validation will still be required at the time of purchase.

Aquatic Policies and Procedures

Pool Policies

  • No outside swim instruction is permitted in the facility.
  • Swimsuits must be worn by all participants. At no time are loose-fitting draped coverings, workout clothing, or under garmets permitted. Only clean appropiate attire designed for swimming is permiited. Street clothes, sport bras and underwear/compression shorts, thongs and see through swimwear are prohibited.
  • A well-fit t-shirt and/or clean aqua socks may be worn into the pool
  • The following are not permitted within the pool area:
    • Inflatable swimming aids and toys
    • Squirt gun/toys
    • Use of kickboards and pull buoys for other than their intended use
    • Hyperventilation, underwater breath holding games and swimming underwater for more than 1/2 the length of the pool is not permitted.
  • All floatation devices must be U.S Coast Guard approved. Life jackets are avaliable free of charge.
  • All participants requiring diapers are required to wear designated swim diapers with an elastic plastic lining under swimwear.
  • Showers are encouraged before entering pool area.
  • Participants are not permitted in the pool area with open sores, ear, eye, nose infections of bandages/adhesive tape. Campus Recreation reserves the right to refuse admintance for health concerns.
  • Anyone who has or has had diarrhea in the last two (2) weeks shall not use the pool.

LAP Pool Use

  • Swimming tests are required for youth under 13 years of age to enter the LAP pool. Tests will be conducted by a lifeguard on surveillance break in the leisure pool if time allows. A swim test includes the following:
    • Continuous swim 25 yard on front, followed by 1 minute of treading water or floating and climbing out without using the ladder.


  • A parent, legal guardian, or other adult must accompany any users under the age of 13 years.

Lightening Policy

  • In accordance with Campus Recreation risk management policy, our pools will close for 20 minutes after the last sight of lightening before resuming activity. This call will be made by the Aquatic Staff. 

Cardiovascular Area(s) Rules

  • A 30-minute time limit on cardiovascular machines must be observed when someone is waiting. The weight and fitness staff will determine when to enforce time limits.
  • Patrons must wipe down machines after use with the provided cleaning wipes located near the machines.

Fitness Room A Reservation Policy

Room A, the large multipurpose room behind the racquetball courts, is available to reserve on a first come, first-serve basis, when it is not being used for Rec Center programs.

  • Room A may be reserved up to 24 hours in advance for one hour at a time.
  • Only non-marking athletic shoes are allowed in the multi-purpose rooms (i.e. NO tap shoes, heels, boots, etc.).
  • No food or beverage (other than water) is permitted in the room.
  • Participants do not have access or permission to use the equipment or stereo system. They must bring their own equipment.
  • Any student organization, group or individual wishing to reserve Room A can do so below:
Reserve Room A

Free Weight Area Rules

All weight training should be performed in a controlled, safe manner. Dropping, slamming or bouncing of weights (both with free weights or selectorized weight training equipment) is prohibited.

  • Olympic lifting is prohibited on the open floor.
  • The use of chalk is prohibited.
  • Spotters are recommended for all lifters.
  • All equipment, including plates and dumbbells, must be returned to appropriate racks when finished.
  • Weight collars (clips) are required.
  • All free weight equipment must be kept in the free weight area.
  • Weights and bars of any kind should not lean up against the walls, pillars, equipment or mirrors.

Locker and Towel Policy

Lockers are available for members as an annual rental in both the Women’s and Men’s Locker Rooms. The annual fee is $110 (plus tax).

Day Use Lockers

Fifty-day-use lockers are also available in each locker room and can be used free of charge. Additional day-use lockers can be found throughout the facility. Day-use lockers are first-come, first-serve and personal locks are recommended to secure your belongings. Combination locks are available for purchase at the Pro Shop for $5. Your items and lock must be removed from a day-use locker prior to the Rec Center closing. Any locks or items remaining in day-use lockers at building close will be removed and placed in the lost and found.

Towel Policy

Clean sweat towels and shower towels are available for check out at the front desk. All towels must be returned to one of the towel return bins located in the locker rooms, on the fitness floors and near the front desk.

Mountaineer KidZone (MKZ)

  • Mountaineer KidZone (MKZ) provides care for children (between six weeks and eight years of age) while you enjoy the Recreation Center facility. The Mountaineer KidZone provides support for West Virginia University students and employees’ families by offering safe, quality child care for children while parents or guardians utilize the WVU Student Recreation Center. The Mountaineer KidZone provides opportunities for play, exploration, building friendships and learning.
  • Only children of WVU current students, faculty and staff who are Student Recreation Center (SRC) members are permitted to use the Mountaineer KidZone. Relatives, friends and other visitors are not eligible to use the provided services, regardless of whether they are with you. The parents/guardians of children we serve must be members of the WVU SRC. *While your children are in our care, parents or legal guardians must stay within the Student Recreation Center. If you leave the Recreation Center while your child is in our care, you will no longer be permitted to use the Mountaineer KidZone.
  • All parents and guardians who wish to use the Mountaineer KidZone must fill out the Mountaineer KidZone Application. Valid WVU ID (student, faculty or staff) must be shown when the application is submitted. On this application parents are responsible for communicating any allergies, special needs their children may have, emergency contact information and any additional information the caregivers should know about your child or your family. Parents and guardians are responsible for keeping the information current and up to date in writing.
  • The time that your child may attend the Mountaineer KidZone is limited to two hours per day. We have an extensive number of families that we provide service for, and this time limit allows us to maximize our service to everyone.
  • Children are not permitted to play with toys from home while at the MKZ.
  • Due to the limitations of our facility, we are not equipped to change diapers or serve food or drinks (other than water).
  • The MKZ is offered free of charge to all WVU students who are parents and WVU employees who are current SRC members.

Racquetball and Squash Court Rules

Racquetball and squash court reservations can be made one day in advance beginning at 6 a.m. on weekdays, 8 a.m. on Saturdays, and 10 a.m. on Sundays (Saturday/Sunday 10 am. during “University breaks”).

  • All players must check in at the front service desk before going to a court.
  • A waiting list will be established, and courts not claimed will be given away at 10 minutes after the hour.
  • Protective eyewear is strongly recommended and should be properly worn.
  • Wrist straps should be worn on all racquetball racquets.

Track Rules

  • The jogging/walking direction will be rotated daily. Please follow the posted direction.
  • The inside lane is for faster joggers; slower walkers/joggers should move to the outside lane.
  • Stretching is allowed in designated areas only.
  • For safety purposes, no loitering is allowed on the track surface.
  • Spikes are not allowed on the track.
  • Observation of basketball activity should take place from the lower level. Please do not stop on the jogging/walking track to observe the lower level courts.

Weight Room General Rules

Participants must be 13 years of age or older to use the weight and fitness rooms.

No food, tobacco of any kind, chewing gum, glass bottles or cans are allowed. Only water, carried in a plastic container with a lid/cap, is permitted.

Profanity or excessively loud or suggestive language will not be tolerated.

All users are encouraged to bring a clean towel to use on the weight equipment, and to wipe down cardiovascular equipment and weight machine padding after each use. Covering the padded equipment with a towel helps prolong the life of the equipment and keeps bacteria, such as MRSA, from spreading to the next user.

  • Patrons should use extreme caution in lifting weights to avoid potential injuries to themselves or others.
  • All equipment must remain in the area it was found. Do not move equipment from one location to another.
  • All equipment must be used in the manner for which it was designed. Do not attempt to modify the equipment.
  • No outside personal training is permitted in the facility. Personal training can be arranged through the weight and fitness staff.
  • Do not attempt to use equipment if unfamiliar with the proper use. Please ask the weight and fitness staff for assistance.

Appropriate exercise attire is required in the weight and fitness rooms (T-shirts, tank tops, shorts, warm-up suits, sweat suits and athletic shoes are acceptable attire when working out). Closed-toe athletic shoes are required. Sandals, open-toe shoes, hard-soled shoes, string tank tops, cut-off tank tops, mesh tank tops, jeans, street clothing and anything that compromises the safety and professionalism of the weight and fitness rooms are prohibited.

Personal belongings such as backpacks, wallets, etc., may not be placed anywhere in the weight and fitness rooms. Day-use lockers are located in the hallway outside the weight and fitness rooms for your convenience. There are also lockers located in the locker rooms.

Please direct all questions, concerns and maintenance needs to a weight and fitness staff person on duty.

Group Fitness Rules

  • All group exercise class participants must be at least 13 years of age or older.
  • It is highly recommended that participants stay for the entire group exercise class to ensure participation in the proper cool-down and stretching phase of the class.
  • Participants are not allowed into any class 5 minutes after start time due to missing the warm up and high risk of injury.
  • All equipment must remain in the multipurpose rooms and must be returned to its proper location after use. Equipment from other areas may not be brought into the multi-purpose rooms.
  • Personal items can be stored in the cubicles provided in the multipurpose room, in the coin-operated lockers or in the locker rooms.
  • Only non-marking athletic shoes are allowed in the multi-purpose rooms.
  • All participants are encouraged to bring a towel and water bottle.
  • No food or drink, other than water, is permitted in the group exercise rooms.
Registration Rules
  • All participants must register prior to attending a group exercise class.
  • Registration opens 25 hours prior to the start time of class; registration is first-come, first-serve.
  • Participants should arrive at least 5 minutes before the start of class to secure their spot and set up their equipment.
  • If a participant is not at least 3 minutes early, they could potentially lose their spot.
  • If a participant does not arrive prior to the start time, their account will receive a no-show strike.
  • If a participant registers for a class they do not attend, their account will receive a no-show strike.
  • When a participant gets three no-show strikes, they will not be able to register for group fitness classes for seven days.
  • Participants can cancel their registration up to 15 minutes before the beginning of class. After that point, a cancellation will result in a no-show strike.
  • Participants can cancel their registration by visiting, login, click your picture in the upper right corner, then click profile, then programs, then click the three dots on the far right of the registration line and select cancel registration, the confirm by selecting "Yes, Cancel Registration".