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Outdoor Adventure can meet you where you are

By Hannah Morgan | WVUGo Copywriter and Editor

Mobile try-it staff

Have you ever wanted to go mountain biking or kayaking but don’t have the equipment? Mobile-Try It has that covered.

Morgantown is a great place for adventure. West Virginia is full of mountains, trails and water and we have it all right here. Some of the best ways to enjoy these things are mountain biking or kayaking. But as a student here at WVU, these things can be difficult to obtain. The equipment can get pricey and dorms and apartments can be too small to store them away.

Photo by Dustin Belt on Unsplash

But with Adventure WV’s Mobile-Try It, that stress can be taken away. This new program brings rental equipment out into the field. For only $10, the team meets everyone at a trailhead or waterfront, like Cheat Lake Park or Westover Park. There are 10 spots per scheduled hour to help keep students safe by allowing for social distancing. Usually, there are 2-3 hour sessions per day of the event. 

Mountain Bikers at a park

Whether students are new to Morgantown or not, this program is designed to bring these West Virginia activities to them and helps students explore new places. There will be staff on-site that will handle the equipment and find the best fit for the student. They will also be there to give basic instructions and help decide the best place to go.

After getting set up with the right equipment, students can set sail on their own and explore in a self-guided way, whether on land or water. This program allows students to have fun in the outdoor playground of West Virginia while not having to worry about the logistics.

The equipment available are: hybrid bicycles, helmets, recreational kayaks (sit in and sit on top), paddles, and trail maps.

So don’t be afraid to get outside, have fun and enjoy Morgantown!

For any questions, feel free to reach out to Andrew Walker, Program Support Specialist for Adventure WV at or check out our website here.

About the Author

Hannah Morgan

Hannah Grace Morgan is a part of the Writing/Editing Team for WVUGo. She is a senior studying journalism and political science. Hannah is from Oceana, West Virginia where the closest stoplight is about an hour drive away. Hannah has written for the Daily Athenaeum, WV News, the Register-Herald and now for WVUGo.