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Fishing with the Seasons

Written by: Alexandria Webb | WVUGo Media - Writer/Editor

fishing seasons night sky

Spring, Summer, Fall. The best times to fish change with these seasons.

While an all-day fishing trip is ideal for some, others are only interested in the hours when the fish are really biting. However, their feeding times change with the seasons and weather. It is all a matter of the temperature of the water, and what the fish prefer changes from spring to summer to fall.


duck fish sky

As we come out of the winter and into springtime, the sun’s rays are slowly building their strength. That is why the early bird may be too soon to get the worm. Most fishermen and women will tell you the best time for fishing in the spring is late morning to dusk when the water has warmed from the sun’s rays, encouraging the fish to come to the surface and look for food. As the day goes on, the water continues to heat up, so your chances of snagging some hungry fish increase the longer the sun is beating down.


fishing seasons autumn fall spring summer night sky

Moving into summer, you have to switch up your idea of what temperature the fish prefer. Since the sun is now heavily beating down on the water each day, and temperatures have risen substantially from what they were during the cooler months, fish will be seeking food at times when the water is cooler. This is when it is best to cast out in the early morning and from sunset to early evening. Although summertime in general is great for fishing because of the increase in underwater habitats and bugs that land on the surface, fish will tend to seek the deeper, cooler parts of the lake when the sun is at its brightest.


fall fishing outdoors

When summertime has died down and we are in the cooler season of fall, fish are once again seeking warmer water for food. The best time for anglers this season is mid afternoon to evening, once the water has warmed up. You may also have some luck late morning if you fish shallower waters. Many fish are looking to fatten up for the winter during this time since they will be congregated at the bottom of the water waiting for spring to come, so even though the long bright days of summer have come to an end, the fall could have some hungry mouths waiting for you to cast in.

Final Tips

Remember that where you fish, what you fish with, and the weather in general all play a factor in how well the fish are biting that day. You never know when fish are going to be hungry enough to ignore the seasons. Talking to local anglers about the best fishing spots and times in your area is a great way to get an idea of what may work best for you. There are also daily fishing forecasts you can find online like that may inspire you to go out and try your luck any day.

About the Author

Alexandria is a senior at WVU with a passion for writing. She is an Englishmajor with a dual emphasis in creative writing and professional writing and editing. Alex is and has always been obsessed with reading and writing and is hoping to become an editor and a published author one day. Since coming to WVU, she has been involved each year in the Calliope Undergraduate Literary Magazine, and recently has begun focusing on writing about the wildness and wonder of West Virginia.

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