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Strongest Mountaineer 2019

Written by: Kaity Amador | WVUGo Staff Writer

Strongest Mountaineers
Photos by: Brittany Pennell | WVUGo Staff Photographer

WVU’s 2019 Strongest Mountaineers

On Sunday, October 20th, WVU’s Student Recreation Center and the WVU Powerlifting Club hosted their 5th annual Strongest Mountaineer competition. Men and Women competed in squatting, benching, and deadlifting events to determine who was 2019’s Strongest Mountaineer. The competition was scored using the Wilks formula, which is a coefficient that can be used to measure the strength of powerlifters against one anotherdespite the different weights of the lifters, making it an even playing field for each competitor.

The overall women’s winner was Lindsey Kam, a Sophomore who has never competed in a powerlifting event, nor the Strongest Mountaineer before. Kam is a new member of the WVU Powerlifting Club, and this competition was a way to “solidify if [she] wanted to powerlift or not.” After competing and winning, it’s safe to say she will continue her path of powerlifting. During the competition she squatted 205 lbs, benched 115 lbs, and deadlifted 190 lbs, for a total overall weight of 510 lbs. Using the Wilks formula, she ended with a score of 289.37, beating out her other female competitors.

Women's Strongest Mountaineer Lindsey Kam, Women’s Overall Winner

The first runner-up overall competitor was Cody Eversole, a Junior who was also competing in the Strongest Mountaineer for the first time. Eversole was encouraged by his friends from the ROTC who have previously competed and had trained with those in the Powerlifting Club in preparation for the big day. Eversole squatted 475 lbs, benched 300 lbs, and deadlifted 500 lbs,for a total overall weight of 1,275 lbs. Using the Wilks formula, Eversole ended with a score of 406.46, coming in ~25.77 points in front of the second runner-up.

Strongest Mountaineer Runner-up Cody Eversole, Overall Runner-Up

WVU’s 2019 Strongest Mountaineer is Aaron Sealey, a 3-time Strongest Mountaineer champion. Sealey is a senior who has competed and won in the competition and was excited to compete for his last time before graduating this year. Sealey trained with Eversole (first runner-up) and a few of their other friends who competed, and found the training to be the most rewarding part of this competition. Sealey’s squatted 475 lbs, benched 315 lbs and deadlifted a 550 lbs for a total weight of 1,340 lbs. His overall Wilks score was an impressive 439.42.

Mountaineer Comp Aaron Sealey, WVU’s 2019 Strongest Mountaineer

During the Strongest Mountaineer Competition, there was an overwhelming sense of community and camaraderie in the air. Every single person competing or watching was supporting their loved ones, peers and friends with cheers and chants. “[Powerlifting] is one of the most fun things I’ve ever done, everyone is really supportive of one another… everyone gets out and yells to pump each other up,” states Sealey. Kam’s favorite parts of competing include the adrenaline rush she experiences during competition and “how everyone is rooting for you especially when your struggling.” The Powerlifting Club and events like the Strongest Mountaineer have provided a community for WVU students where they can make new friends that are dedicated to working out and are extremely supportive of one another.

Congratulations to everyone who competed in this event, and if you’re interested, be sure to keep an eye out to sign-up and compete next year.

If you’re looking to be a part of this active and supportive community, check out the WVU Powerlifting Club. Also keep an eye out for more events hosted by the SRC and the Powerlifting Club, like the Mountaineer Endurance Challenge coming this Spring.

About the Author


Kaity has served as a writer for the WVUGo Media team since August 2019. She is a senior, pursuing a Bachelor’s of Science in Marketing with an area of emphasis in Digital Marketing Promotions expected to graduate from West Virginia University (WVU) in May 2020.